Land & Building | - |
Land Area (In Acres) | - |
Built Up Area : | - |
Play Ground/Sports/games Area | - |
Teaching/Learning | |
Number of Class Room | 31 |
Number of Tutorial Rooms | 5 |
Number of Laboratories | 14 |
Number of Seminar Rooms | 2 |
Number of Conference Rooms | 2 |
Number of Committee Rooms | 13 |
Hostel | |
Number of Seats in Boys Hostal | - |
Number of Seats in Girls Hostal | - |
Library | |
Seating Capacity in Library Reading Room | 105 |
Number of Books in Library + Self Finance course | |
Number of Journals subscribed/News papers + magazines | 59 +37 = 96 |
Number of Multimedia literature | - |
ICT Infrascture: | |
Number of Pc's in Computer Centre | 90 |
Number of PIV or higher PC's | 10 |
Number of Lan Terminals | 40 |
Wi Fi Technology | 40 |
Type & Speed of Internet Connectivity | 100 Mbps |
Teching Tools/Aids | |
Number Of Televisions | 01 |
Number Of OHPs | 02 |
Number of LCDs | 2 |
Number Of VCP/VCR | 1 |
Others | |
Auditorium | |
Gymnasium | -do- |
Indoor Games | T.T |
Sports Facilities | - |
Number of Houses for Teachers | Nil |
Number Of Rooms in Guest House | 02 |
Number of Common Rooms for Student | 2 |
Health Centre/Medical Centre | 1 |
Number of Cubicles/Rooms for Teachers | - |
Common Room For Teachers | 1 |
Canteen for Students | 1 |
Transport Facility for Student | Nil |
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